
Header photo by Marco & Esther Aalbers

Uganda 2024, "Pearl of Africa"

After wonderful experiences we were privileged to have with Go Africa Safaris in Kenya and Tanzania, we were now curious to see if we would also dare to take a trip to Uganda. The beautiful rainforests attracted us, with of course the chimpanzees and gorillas. But with Esther's progressive muscle disease, wheelchair-bound and energy limited, wasn't that a dream for someone else? But we do love an adventure and can adapt and improvise quite well, so we booked a wonderful tour.

After a long journey, we were picked up at the airport by Henry. With mobile ramps right into the 4x4 with seat and all. As calm as he was, people are hysterical together on the roads and in the villages. Glad we didn't have to drive ourselves!

It was very interesting that as you travel through the country, you see so much of the way people live. And it was so beautiful and green!

The Murchison Falls are beautiful. From the boat, impressive. But the next day we drove to the top to see it up close. Henry had a consultation with the park manager and they decided to lift/push me all the way to the Falls to see the waterfall from its most beautiful side, just like the other people got to experience. This was overwhelmingly beautiful! The power of the water cannot be explained so overwhelming. Fantastic that they wanted to give Esther this experience too.

Safaris in Uganda are a challenge. The landscape was very beautiful and rugged. There were large herds of Topis, Kobs and Buffalo. But spotting big cats was very difficult due to the high grass. Spotted an awful lot of beautiful birds. Enjoyed the stories about, for example, the "buffalo jacuzzi" in the road and the huge hammerhead nests that the females came to inspect before mating is allowed.

During the boat safari, we saw many hippos, elephants, buffaloes, relaxing in their own habitat. Beautiful scenes.

The primates are a separate story. Many species anyway, and of course Chimpanzees and Gorillas. First, they live in a jungle. With no roads or paths. There was a stretcher and people had been hired to carry Esther. First, it's quite a thing psychologically. Quite over the top spoiled to be carried through a forest. Fortunately, it soon became clear from the behaviour of the porters that Esther in particular had made a thing of it. They were having a lot of fun and it was tough but they did not object and enjoyed giving Esther the experience. We heard this comment quite often. Nice. So supportive!

But how beautiful the jungle was, never to be forgotten! So pristine, rugged, green and deliciously fragrant! She enjoyed it so much already without seeing a monkey. But when we also saw the Chimpanzees in their own territory, this was fantastic. High in the trees a group of wanton monkeys where we were allowed to stay for an hour. When they moved around, they just put Esther somewhere else again so she could experience everything.

The Gorillas were even more impressive. So close, it really was a dream come true. It was very soothing and serene. Small tear shed...

All the locations we were at had its own charm. But Ishashasa Wilderness Camp was for us the very best. An eco-camp with a fantastic cook. Tents by the water, where at night hippos came to graze and elephants came to bathe. The camp was open so you were not allowed to walk alone after dark, but it also meant that there were lots of animals to see around your tent and we think that's absolutely the best thing about it!

It was a holiday full of highlights, we don't regret the energy it took. It was pricey, but worth every penny. Without your help from Go Africa Safaris, it wouldn't have been possible. It enriched our lives. And Henry made the holiday even more beautiful.

We enjoyed the "Pearl of Africa".

Thank You

Marco & Esther Aalbers